Contents and Patterns of the Construction of Sports Reporting in Print media – Results of an international comparing Survey

Thomas Horky

*Corresponding author: Thomas Horky

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Horky, T. (2009). Contents and Patterns of the Construction of Sports Reporting in Print media - Results of an international comparing Survey. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 97, 70-79.



Sport is world-wide one of the most important media topics, however internationally investigations of sport reporting so far are rather. In this contribution the results of a study for international sport reporting in daily papers are presented with data from ten different countries. The explorative field study examines the distribution of topics, the construction principles of contents as well as further quality criteria of sport reporting in three different types of newspapers. Apart from the dominance of football and above all male sport stars the International Sports Press Survey proves a globalization of sport reporting with small journalistic care.

Keywords: Football, International Study, Mass Media Sport, Printed Press, Quality.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 01, 2009