Conceptual aproximation to the velocity in team sports: the case of football

Ángel Vales Vázquez

Alberto Areces Gayo

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Vales Vázquez, A., & Areces Gayo, A. (2002). Conceptual aproximation to the velocity in team sports: the case of football. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 69, 44-58.



  In this work we have carried out a conceptual approach to speed in team sports, in which we have emphasised the complex character involved, as the expressions are multiple and varied which in a complementary and overall manner, appear in each one of the episodes of the game whose common denominator is the revealing of high speed levels. We have also put forward a certain conceptual desagreement existing in the specialised literature on this subject at the moment of defining speed in football. In this context, in which speed is seen as a complex reality as to its internal structure and multi-varied in its exteriorisation method, this, in its application to football, has been defined as the capacity of a team and/or player to efficiently resolve and with a high rhythm or measure of intervention the tasks/objectives consubstantial to the different phases and subphases of the game.
Once developed our conceptual approach to speed in team sports, we have presented a new system of observing collective conducts (ballgram) which, suitably adapted, will allow us to control and register speed in an objective way, mainly in its collective aspect.

Keywords: Classification, Conceptualisation, control, Football, Speed, team sports.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: July 01, 2002