City and sport in the XXI century

Socorro Rebollo Rico

María Dilma Simoes Brasileiro

Margarita Latiesa Rodríguez

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Rebollo Rico, S., Simoes Brasileiro, M. D., & Latiesa Rodríguez, M. (2002). City and sport in the XXI century. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 70, 78-82.



At the present time we observed the presence, slow but continuous, of the sport in the open and plural spaces of the city. Padiglione (1995), considers impossible to today offer a homogenous image of the sport due to the diversity and plurality of the sport scene. We could apply this reflection to the urban context of the city in s. XXI, context in which we attended a diversity and plurality of sport scenes, that until the moment we have not known. In this article we try to deepen in this idea and to make a reflection on the reality of the sport in the future city and of its sport scenes. The posmodern age defined like the era of the services must offer in the city the best sport services than they satisfy the demands of the population.

Keywords: Modern Sport, Nature Sport, Posmodern Sport, Sport in the City.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: October 01, 2002