Basic Principles of Holistic Performance of Abdominal Exercises to Stabilize the Lumbar-Abdominal Spine

Juan Antonio León Prados

África Calvo Lluch

Antonio Fernández-Martínez

*Corresponding author: Juan Antonio León Prados

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León Prados, J. A., Calvo Lluch, A., & Fernández Martínez, A. (2010). Basic Principles of Holistic Performance of Abdominal Exercises to Stabilize the Lumbar-Abdominal Spine. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 99, 20-27.



Studies on the effect of specific exercises to strengthen and reinforce the central area of the body and its relationship with the athletic performance and health have been particularly relevant in recent years. The synergistic action of muscle strength abdominal ventilatory dynamics and an adequate postural control help to stabilize the lumbar-abdominal spine and minimize the stress when lifting, transporting or elevating weight. This consideration results in an essential, not only in athletic performance but also in conserving and improving health and life quality. Nevertheless, for the design and selection of exercises for that purpose at all times it is essential to know the capacity of each subject to ensure proper implementation of the selected exercises. This article gives specific guidelines for a holistic conditioning of the muscles that mobilize and stabilize the lumbar spine, with special emphasis on the control and technical learning aspects of the exercises related both to its effect as a conditioning factors in many sports habilities, and to the improvement of postural hygiene in utilitary fields.

Keywords: Abdominal Muscles, Functional Evaluation, Postural Control, Working the Central Part of the Body.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2010