Approach to the Sociodemographic Profile of Volunteering in a European Competition in Wheelchair Basketball (Wb)

Rodolfo Iván Martínez Lemos

Luis Casáis Martínez

*Corresponding author: Rodolfo Iván Martínez Lemos

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Martínez Lemos, R. I., & Casáis Martínez, L. (2010). Approach to the Sociodemographic Profile of Volunteering in a European Competition in Wheelchair Basketball (Wb). Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 99, 13-19.



The celebration of the final phase of an European competition of Basketball in Wheelchair – Willy Brinkmann Cup- has allowed to carry out a survey to the group of 35 volunteers who have collaborated in the celebration of the event, with the target to analyze their sociodemographic profile, their previous experience in volunteer work and their degree of knowledge and fulfillment of law 6/1996. A coincident profile with other previous studies is demonstrated, as far as a greater weight of women, an upper middle level of academic formation and a range of age that distinguishes the sample like adult-young people. Some of the found divergences could explain from the special characteristics of the adapted sport and the precise character of the collaboration. The level of knowledge of the law 6/1996 that regulates volunteer work in our country is very low, by the volunteers and organizations in which they collaborate, and this can explain a certain precariousness in the performance of this work that, without doubt, constitutes a threat for its effectiveness and continuity.

Keywords: Law 6/1996, Profile, Sport Event, Volunteer, Wheelchair Basketball.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2010