Analysis of the goal keeper’s defensive actions in soccer 7

Pilar Sainz de Baranda

Enrique Ortega del Toro

Luis Llopis Portugal

José Francisco Novo Palacios

Daniel Rodríguez Muñoz

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Sainz de Baranda Andújar, P., Ortega Toro, E., Llopis Portugal, L., Novo Palacios, J. F., & Rodríguez Muñoz, D. (2005). Analysis of the goal keeper's defensive actions in soccer 7. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 80, 45-52.



Match analysis is a way to improve the information about goalkeeper actions from both physical and technical-tactical perspectives. Also, it implies a source of information to organize and design the specific exercises of the goalkeeper’s practice, which should assure a workout with game-like situations. To develop a defense game, the goalkeeper should coordinate his actions with the defensive players of the team and adapt the defense to attack the opposite team. Therefore, to analyze the defense, we have to evaluate the attack of the opposite team, the defensive technical actions, the physical actions and the intervention zone where the goalkeeper acts. The sample included goalkeepers of the ten teams that participated in 19 matches of the International Cup in Maspalomas in 2003. The observation instrument utilized was a category system. Before data collection an observers training was done using methodology proposed by Behar (1993). An inter-class reliability coefficient < 0.95 was established with five observers in ten matches. A descriptive analysis (average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum) was done with statistic software SPSS.11.5.

Keywords: Defense, Goalkeeper, Soccer 7.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: April 01, 2005