The effect of resilience on emotional intelligence and life satisfaction in mountain sports technicians
Laura Martín-Talavera,
Lázaro Mediavilla Saldaña,
David Molero,
Óscar Gavín-Chocano
Physical Education in the pedagogical innovation projects in Catalonia for the academic year 2021-2022
Eric Roig Hierro,
Maria del Carmen González André,
Albert Batalla-Flores
Exploring the relationships between motor creativity, lateral preference and sport in children
Mª del Pino Díaz Pereira,
Antonio González-Fernández,
María A. Fernández-Villarino,
Joseba Delgado-Parada,
Yannick López-Araujo
A daily session of Physical Education: approach, organisation, and legislative viability through teacher perceptions
Juan Fraile,
Javier López-Sagrario,
David Zamorano,
Patricia Ruiz-Bravo,
Amalia Faná-del Valle Villar,
Víctor M. López Pastor
Motivating teaching styles and directiveness in Physical Education
Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia,
Miguel Saorín-Pozuelo,
Salvador Baena-Morales,
Alberto Ferriz-Valero,
Julio Barrachina Peris
How does a change of coach affect the physical performance of football players?
Abraham García-Aliaga,
Pablo Rivas-González,
Adrián Martín-Castellanos,
Antonio Cordón-Carmona,
Diego Muriarte Solana,
Daniel Mon-López,
Ignacio Refoyo Román,
Moisés Marquina-Nieto
Profiling mountaineering in Protected Natural Areas of Spain
Víctor Dorado,
Estela Inés Farías-Torbidoni
Winter, climbing and mountaineering sports instructor qualifications in Spain: an instructors’ and employers’ perception
Joana Sans Osanz,
Eduard Inglés Yuba