Table 1

Results of the factor analysis

Specific competenciesComponentsFactors
Designing, applying and analysing teaching interventions in the PE class.604Design, application and assessment of teachinglearning processes in PE
Developing and putting PE programmes that facilitate the effective inclusion of students with special educational needs into practice.667
Designing, developing and assessing the teaching-learning processes related to physical activity and sport with attention to the individual and contextual characteristics of each person.685
Knowing how to use assessment instruments in the PE class.710
Promoting complementary activities related to physical activity
and sport inside and outside school
Responding to diversity in PE practices.693
Tener capacidad de reflexión sobre el Having the capacity to reflect on the teaching-learning process, the different organisational types and the different methodologies within PE classes.639
Designing, modifying and/or adapting motor situations geared towards developing and fine-tuning the motor skills to the educational context.576
Designing, developing and assessing teaching-learning processes related to motor competency, with attention to the individual and contextual characteristics of each person.756
Knowing and promoting the different motor manifestations that are part of your traditional culture.605Motor and sport contents
Knowing psychomotor development and its developmental maturation.777
Knowing the elements and fundamentals of body expression and non-verbal communication and its formative and cultural value.672
Knowing the basic principles of introduction to school sports and designing specific tasks to use them in teaching.601
Knowing how to use play as a teaching resource and educational content.408
Knowing and understanding body and motor developmental processes.561
Knowing the physical capacities and factors that determine their evolution and knowing how to apply the specific technical underpinnings.537Physical conditioning and health contents
Knowing the basic biological and physiological principles of the human body in relation to physical activity.621
Having strategies to apply the elements of health on hygiene and diet in educational practice.581
Having teaching strategies that promote the acquisition of regular physical activity habits.544
Knowing how to apply the basic principles (techniques) of physical activities in nature.439
Analysing and communicating, critically and with solid foundations, the value of physical education and sport and their possibilities of contributing to people’s development and wellbeing.667
Identifying and preventing the health risks stemming from the practice of inappropriate physical activities.768
% cumulative explained variance
KMO: 0.94.
Bartlett’s sphericity test:: 4930, 449. gl.: 231. p < .001.