Soccer: Effects of a Teaching Unit in Early Initiation

Daniel Lapresa

Javier Arana

Mario Amatria

Francisco Javier Fernández Alejandro

M. Teresa Anguera

*Corresponding author: Daniel Lapresa Ajamil

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Lapresa Ajamil, D., Arana Idiakez, J., Amatria Jiménez, M., Fernández Alejandro, F. J., & Anguera, M. T. (2017). Soccer: Effects of a Teaching Unit in Early Initiation. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 127, 59-67.



Common early initiation into soccer has justified soccer formats adapted to the needs of children. Experts recommend a 3-a-side format in soccer initiation as the minimum unit to ensure development of all the game’s principles. This paper analyzes the impact on the technical performance of players aged 5-7 of a teaching unit designed to ensure respect for these principles based on a set of premises that promote the numerical superiority of the team on attack. We have built simple logistic regression models to study the quality – adaptation (to the formative process of the child) and success (if it entails continuity of the attack – passes correctly – or leads to a shot) – of the technical contacts made by players aged 5-7 in a 3-a-side soccer game before and after the realization of the teaching unit. We found that the teaching unit under study improves the quality of the technical performance of players aged 5-7.

Keywords: 3-a-Side Soccer, Logistic Regression, Metodología Observacional, Observational Methodology, Players Aged 5-7, Teaching Unit, Technique.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: February 5, 2016

Accepted: May 21, 2016

Published: January 01, 2017