Teaching Sport in Schools in Secondary Education According to the Initial Teacher Training

María Espada Mateos

Ángel Luis Clemente Remón

José Antonio Santacruz Lozano

Jana María Gallardo Pérez

*Corresponding author: María Espada Mateos mariaespada_mateos@hotmail.com

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Espada Mateos, M., Clemente Remón, A. L., Santacruz Lozano, J. A., & Gallardo Pérez, J. M. (2013). Teaching Sport in Schools in Secondary Education According to the Initial Teacher Training. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 112, 72-81.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5672/apunts.2014-0983.es.(2013/2).112.06



The regular practice of physical and sports extracurricular activities can bring various benefits to participants. However, these benefits will be conditioned by the educational intervention of the staff teaching these activities, since sometimes they lack the training and qualifications needed to develop this teaching function. Thus, the main objective of this research is to analyse the educational intervention in sport in school in Secondary Education in the Community of Madrid. Through a survey conducted with 350 teachers, the research is based on a quantitative and descriptive methodology. The results show statistically significant evidence regarding the unqualified teachers that use directive teaching techniques [x2 (10) = 33.430; p < .00; Φ = .03] and that
in general, most teachers prioritize the improvement of technique over other aspects [x2 (5)= 35.337; p < .00; Φ = .03]. Amongst the most important conclusions of this research, we can see that the educational intervention by the staff teaching physical and sports activities in school in Secondary Education is not always appropriate, since in most cases there is still a traditional teaching
model being used, where priority is given to searching for results on participation and teaching techniques directives on discovery,
as well as teaching how to improve teaching techniques in real match situations in a decontextualized way.

Keywords: Educational Intervention, Secondary Education, Sport in Schools, Teachers, Training.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: October 3, 2012

Accepted: January 18, 2013

Published: April 01, 2013