Individual tactic concept in collective sports

Francesc Espar Moya

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Espar Moya, F. (1998). Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes (1985-2015). Individual tactic concept in collective sports. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 51, 16-22.



The formation of a future top-class player needs an exhaustivo study of his formation and the contents on which to work. With the idea of going as far as possible, we should try to make him learn the
maximum in the shortest possible time. This learning process, moreover, should guarantee a firm
assimilation of the contents in the players performance. We must define these learning contents, the order of their appearance and an appropriate methodology of teaching and training, so as to achieve a deep, rapid assimilation on the part of the player.
The learning-training of individual tactics during the formation stage can be justified by at least three arguments.
1.    Entrusts to the individual technique its aspect of motor logic, which satisfies the expectations of immediate success, channelling the objects of the action into determined, action programmes.
2.    Justifies the orders of the systems of the gamo (action objectives) providing the player with opon and stable schemes of participation in the gamo. 3. Ensures a certain reflection on the part of the player on the strategic aspects that influence his performance during competition.

Keywords: Táctica.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: January 01, 1998