Evaluation of the offensive actions in soccer through succes indicators in intensive restrospective diachronic designs

Carlos Lago Peñas

José María Cancela

Fernando Fermández Fraga

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Lago Peñas, C., Cancela Carral, J. M., Fernández Fraga, F., López Graña, M. del P., & Veiga Codesido, J. (2003). Evaluation of the offensive actions in soccer through succes indicators in intensive restrospective diachronic designs. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 72, 96-102.



In this paper we have analyzed the succesful offensive actions of a perfomance soccer team. To fulfil this study we have used the observational methodology, recording data form six matches played by the Deportivo of A Coruña during the season 2000-01. The behavoir patterns obtained through restrospective sequential analysis get us a mirror image. The last, penultimate, antepenultimate, etc. plays has a stabile relationship between them, and we considerer as preparatory to be a success. These plays will be considered as success indicators of the offensive actions of the team observed.

Keywords: Behaviour Patterns, Performance Soccer, Retrospective Sequential Analysis.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 2003