Training intensity valoration through the cardiac frequency in volleyball

Gerard Moras

Carlos Zurita

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Moras, G., & Zurita, C. (1999). Training intensity valoration through the cardiac frequency in volleyball. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 55, 77-84.



Trainers often take little notice of charge control in the technical-tactical orientation training in volleyball because of the great difficulty involved. In this article we propose to the heart rate recordings as a very useful means of evaluating the intensity of the different exercises with regard to the rhythm of execution, relating the training methods with the technical elements characteristic of volleyball. It is basic to be able to reach the technical-tactical objectives by controlling the intensity and the method of training with regard to the individual needs of the group and the period in which we are situated.

Keywords: Frecuencia Cardíaca.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: January 01, 1999