Ophtalmologic examination in sports medicine controls in level II and III, in Sports Medicine Centers of Generalitat de Catalunya

Fernando Pifarré San Agustín

Helena Palacín Fornons

Kety Mancilla Ocaña

*Corresponding author: Fernando Pifarré San Agustín fpifarre@inefc.es

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Pifarré San Agustín, F., PalacÍn Fornons, H., & Mancilla Ocaña, K. (2007). Ophtalmologic examination in sports medicine controls in level II and III, in Sports Medicine Centers of Generalitat de Catalunya. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 88, 24-30.



Decree no. 323/1992 regulates the procedure of accreditation of centers of sport medicine. These centers are defined as centers, services, health establishments that take as a principal objective the control and follow-up of sportsmen from a biological point of view.
This decree distinguishes between three types of centers of sport medicine.
Level 1. In this level examinations of health and physical aptitude are carried out to general population.
Level 2. Assessment and follow-up of sportsmen in regime of programmed and technical training is done.
Level 3. Assessment and follow-up of top or high level athletes is done.
A resolution of September 1994 develops Decree 323/1992 since it fixes the criteria, directives and priorities for the grant of accreditations of centers of sport medicine of the second and third level.
In centers of sport medicine of first level ophtalmological explorations are not carried out.
In centers of second level which belong to Generalitat de Catalunya, sportsmen are asked about:
• Ocular antecedents of strabismus (operated or not), familiar myopia, glaucoma and detachment of retina.
• Use of corrective elements: glasses, contact lenses, controlled myopia.
Also an inspection of the eyeball and its annexes (conjunctive and eyelids) is done.
On the other hand, only in sports modalities of archery and olympic shooting a study of visual functions is made. In these two sports, classic test of effort is replaced with a study of visual functions.

Keywords: Sport Medicine Center, Sport Ophtalmological Exploration.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: April 1, 2007