Physical Education in primary education (LOCE). Returning to the traditionalist perspective, psychomotricity and hyegenic of the EF?

Manuel Lizalde Gil

José Ignacio Salgado López

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Lizalde Gil, M., & Salgado López, J. I. (2005). Physical Education in primary education (LOCE). Returning to the traditionalist perspective, psychomotricity and hyegenic of the EF?. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 80, 81-87.



The educational actuality, on the non-university level, is currently influenced by the changes produced by the new Ley Orgánica de Calidad de la Educación (knew as LOCE, enacted on December 23rd, 2002). In this work, a critical analysis of the modifications introduced in the official curriculum of Physical Education at the Primary Education level is presented. After the analysis of the basic elements contained in these documents (objectives, contents and evaluation criteria) we conclude that the new curriculum seems to return to an approach within the ‘traditionalist perspective’ in the Curricular Theory (Kirk, 1990: 37-39 and Contreras Jordán, 1998: 47), where the teacher is seen as an executor of what external agents had designed. This is in clear confrontation to the contributions by the previous educational law, the L.O.G.S.E.

Keywords: Curricula Analysis, Physical Education in Primary School.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: April 01, 2005