Valoration of healthy physical condition in adults (1): records and protocol of the AFISAL-INEFC battery

Ferran A. Rodríguez

Narcís Gusi

Ariel Valenzuela

Sandra Nácher

Jordi Nogués

Michel Marina

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Rodríguez, F. A., Gusi, N., Valenzuela, A., Nàcher, S., Nogués, J., & Marina, M. (1998). Valoration of healthy physical condition in adults (1): records and protocol of the AFISAL-INEFC battery. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 52, 54-77.



Health-related fitness evaluation can be used in exercise testing and prescription for health, and can also be a very useful tool for research in physical activity, fitness, and health.
In this article we describe the antecedents, the justification and the protocols of application of a series of tests which constitute the AFISAL-INEFC health-related fitness test battery for adults (Rodriguez et al. 1995a-c). The purpose of this battery is to evaluate in a simple, rapid, and economical manner some of the main factors of health-related fitness. The main criteria for the design of the test battery have been validity, reliability, pertinence, safety, feasibility, and economy. Tests and items usually used to evaluate different components and factors of health-related fitness were reviewed and discussed, and then went on to the design of a battery of tests that would meet as much as possible the established criteria.
The battery includes eight tests for the evaluation of the following health-related factors: health status (physical activity readiness), body composition, flexibility (trunk), maximal strength (hand grip), strength endurance (abdominals), explosive strength (lower limbs), balance (static), and cardiorespiratory endurance.

Keywords: Tests.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 1998