Use of a System for Calculating Strength Endurance Deficit in Long-Distance Athletes

Eduardo Valcarce Merayo

*Corresponding author: Eduardo Valcarce Merayo

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Valcarce Merayo, E. (2011). Use of a System for Calculating Strength Endurance Deficit in Long-Distance Athletes. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 106, 50-53.



This study seeks to determine the changes in stride length in endurance athletes who do not periodise strength training. The study examined 6 male endurance athletes aged 31 (± 4.6 years) with a sports experience of 14 years (± 4 years) who did interval training in which their average stride speed, frequency and length in each repetition was determined in the recording area. The percentage loss of stride length, measured by the Stride Loss Strength (SLS) index, compared the loss of stride length (cm/m•s-1) between groups of repetitions – Group 1 (repetitions 1-7), Group 2 (repetitions 8-14), Group 3 (repetitions 15-21) – and a significant decrease in the SLS index was observed between Group 2 and Group 3 (p = 0.05). The conclusion is that this indicator is a specific tool for identifying possible strength deficits in this type of athlete and will help coaches and athletes who want to assess strength endurance levels in field measurement.

Keywords: amplitud de gambada, dèficit de força, Força-resistència.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: December 7, 2010

Accepted: February 16, 2011

Published: October 01, 2011