The perception of the healthy leisure in the physical-sports juvenile practice. A qualitative analysis.

Rafael Ramos Echazarreta

Eva Sanz Arazuri

Ana Ponce de León Elizondo

Mª Ángeles Valdemoros San Emeterio

*Corresponding author: Rafael Ramos Echazarreta

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Ramos Echazarreta, R., Sanz Arazuri, E., Ponce de León Elizondo, A., & Valdemoros San Emeterio, M. A. (2009). The perception of the healthy leisure in the physical-sports juvenile practice. A qualitative analysis. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 95, 24-31.



This reseach presents a content analysis about the physical-sportive practice perception, that parents, teachers and young riojanos show. It is integrated in a reseach that tries to know and assess the real and potencial demand of  leisure physical-sportive activities requested by adolescents and young students of Secondary School, Formative Cycles and High School in the Autonomous Region of La Rioja. According to the results, it is observed that the physical-sportive practice, as an experience of healthy leisure, it is perceived among the analysed collectives with a more preventive nuance of our youngs health than a curative one. The group of Physical Education teachers grant a nature more orientated to the health´s improvement and prevention of the practisings to the physical-sportive activities than the rest of the collectives. This group is followed by the other subjects teachers and the youngs. On the other hand, students´ parents perceive, in a better extent, the physical-sportive practices as healthy leisure experiencies, giving to these practices functions more orientated to the productivity or to the social identification.

Keywords: Health, Leisure, Physical-Sportive Activity.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2009