Table 7

Relationship between the assessment aspects of students’ motor skills and the assessment tools used.

Observation SheetRubricsExamMotor TestsPsychomotor TestsContextualised game situationsPhysical Fitness Test
I assess the correct technical execution (gestures, forms specific to each sport modality) of sport skills-.007.122*.306**.190**.150*.108*.285**
I assess the use of tactical elements (individual or collective/cooperative and oppositional) in game situations.130*.195**.086.137*.088.219**.156*
I assess the application of the rules (knowledge, applications, use, etc.) in game situations.147*.203**.154*.134*.070.224**.140*
I assess the physical fitness of the student.101*.035.255**.343**.300**.159*.519**
I assess motor problem solving (basic, specific, sporting, etc. motor skills and abilities).131*.170**.028.091*.108*.192**.023
I assess students’ ability to make artistic and expressive creations.113*.296**.
I assess the execution of dance techniques and/or dances.065.054.170*.193*.159*.054.215**
I assess students’ ability to carry out activities in the natural environment.124*.201**.
I assess whether students know and respect health and hygiene habits in the practice of physical activity.162**.256**-. 
Note. Statistically significant differences are in bold: *p < .05 **p < .001.