Table 4
Results of the logrank test and survival for each group.
Variable | Group | Survival prob.12 months | Survival median | Logrank test (χ2) | p-value |
age | Less than 5 5 to 10 10 to 32 More than 32 | 54.9% 64.89% 43% 48.35% | 15 22 10 11 | 204.78 | <.01 |
maccess | Less than 0.3 0.3 to 0.51 0.51 to 0.80 More than 0.80 | 40.56% 51.41% 59.80% 62.44 | 9 13 20 21 | 294.44 | <.01 |
nentries | Less than 6 6 to 17 17 to 40 More than 40 | 12.14% 28.53% 63.70% 91.86% | 4 7 17 39 | 3721.13 | <.01 |
cfreq | 1 2 More than 2 | 53.77% 48.34% 62.83% | 15 11 21 | 58.34 | <.01 |
nrenewals | 0 1 2 More than 2 | 1,90% 69.88% 85.49% 99.91% | 5 16 27 inf | 6264.73 | <.01 |
imonth | Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 | 51.95% 47.06% 57.02% 51.28% | 15 11 16 13 | 86.33 | <.01 |
gender | Male (1) Female (0) | 54.57% 51.47% | 15 13 | 10.69 | <.01 |
Note. inf represents a value not possible to estimate. The enrolment months were grouped into quarter categories: Quarter 1 corresponds to month 1, 2 and 3: Quarter 2 months 4, 5 and 6; Quarter 3 months 7, 8 and 9 and Quarter 4 months 10, 11 and 12. Source: own elaboration. |