Table 2

Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations.

1. Sup. novelty3.561.03.68**.53**.37**–.51**–.24**–.04–.28**.24**
2. Sat. novelty3.520.90.60**.52**–.53**–.34**–.11**–.31**.29**
3. Enjoyment4.050.90.70**–.68**–.57**–.22**–.47**.46**
4. Pride4.010.87–.50**–.49**–.24**–.40**.43**
5. Boredom1.830.89.48**.21**.55**–.28**
6. Hopelessness1.430.68.45**.50**–.38**
7. Anxiety1.980.91.33**–.16**
8. Anger1.430.68–.22**
9. Int. Phys. Act.4.200.82
NB. Sup. novelty = Support for novelty; Sat. novelty = Satisfaction of novelty; Int. Phys. Act. = Intention to be physically active; M = Mean; SD = Standard deviation; ** p < .01.