Table 2

Correlation between the quality of the CAR and regulations of motivation

VariablesMotivational regulationsCAR
1. Amotivation.45**-.11-.15**-.23**-.24**-.16**-.21**-.12*
2. External Regulation.20**.18**.12*.06-.14*-.09-.07
3. Introjected Regulation.51**.48**.49**.11*.18**.21**
4. Identified Regulation.68**.65**.21**.31**.26**
5. Integrated Regulation.63**.19**.29**.23**
6. Intrinsic Regulation.21**.28**.25**
7. Proximity.66**.71**
8. Commitment.69**
9. Complementarity
**Correlación significativa al nivel .01. *Correlación significativa al nivel .05.
Nota: CAR = Relación entre el entrenador y el deportista.