Table 2

Percentage of male and female preschoolers demonstrating competence in performance criteria for locomotor skills, chi-square value and Cramer’s V.

LS performance criteria Male FemaleTotalDif. X2p
Running (R) 
1. Arms move in opposition to legs, 
elbows bent 
52,2 35,3 45,0 28,0 2,251 ,134 
2. Brief period when both feet are off the ground 87,0 88,2,029 ,864 
3. Narrow foot placement landing on heel or toe (not on the whole area of the sole) 60,9 70,6 65,0 28,0 ,812,368 
4. Non-support leg bent approximately 90º 
(e.g. near the buttocks) 
34,8 47,1 40,0 42,0 1,228 ,268 
Galloping (G) 
1. Arms bent and lifted to waist level 17,423,520,012,0,460,497
2. A step forward with the lead foot followed by a step 
with the trailing foot which lands next to or just behind the first one  
3. Brief period when both feet are 
off the ground 
91,376,5 3,374 ,066 
4. Maintain a rhythmic pattern for four consecutive gallops 82,670,61,620,203
Hopping (H)
1. The non-support leg swings forward in pendulum fashion to generate force 13,017,6 15,039,0,325,569
2. The foot of the non-support leg remains behind the body 47,817,635,026,07,827,005 ,313
3. Arms are bent and swing forward to generate force 26,141,2 32,517,52,029 ,154 
4. Take off and land three consecutive times  on preferred foot 82,6 82,4,001,976
5. Take off and land on three consecutive times on non-preferred foot  69,6 64,7,210,646 
Leap over an object with run-up (L) 
1.Take off on one foot and land on the opposite foot 47,8 58,8,948 ,330
2. Period when both feet are off the ground longer 
than in running 
3. Forward reach with the arm opposite the lead foot 39,123,5 2,169,141 
Horizontal jump from standing start (HJ) 
1. Preparatory movement includes bending both knees with arms stretched out behind body 56,5 35,3 3,533,060
2. Arms extended forcefully forward and upward reaching full extension above the head 56,5 41,2 1,841 ,175 
3. Take off and land on both feet simultaneously 43,5 41,2 42,5 31,5 ,042 ,837 
4. Arms are thrust downward during landing 52,2 47,1,205 ,651 
Slide sideways (S) 
1. Body turned sideways so shoulders are aligned with 
the line on the floor 
2. A step sideways with lead foot followed by a slide of 
the trailing foot until it reaches the lead foot 
78,388,2 1,347,246  
3. At least four continuous step-slides 
to the right 
73,982,4 ,799 ,372 
4. At least four continuous step-slides to the left 60,970,6,812  ,368

Diff.: Difference with Ulrich (2000) in the percentage of participants demonstrating competence.