Table 1

Description of the variables analysed in the study.

Distance (m)Total distance travelled in metres
Dist (m/min)Total distance travelled per minute
Explosive Dist (m)Total distance travelled with an acceleration of greater than 1.12m/s2
Explosive Dist (m/min)Explosive distance in metres per minute
HSR Rel Dist (m)High speed running relative is the distance travelled at speeds above the player’s threshold (at 75.5% of maximum speed)
HSR Rel (m/min)High speed running relative in metres per minute
HSR Rel CountNumber of times (counter) that the player has run at a speed above his HSR Rel threshold.
HSR Abs Dist (m)High speed running absolute is the distance travelled at speeds above 21 km/h.
HSR Abs (m/min)High speed running absolute in metres per minute.
HSR Abs CountNumber of times (counter) that the player has run at a speed above their HSR threshold Abs
Dif ACC DECDifference between accelerations and decelerations with value higher than 3m/s2
Sprint Abs (m)Distance travelled above the absolute sprint speed threshold (24 km/h)
Sprints ABSNumber of sprints above the absolute sprint speed threshold
SprintsRELNumber of sprints above the relative sprint speed threshold
MAX Speed (km/h)Maximum speed achieved
Sprints (min)Number of sprints per minute
Step BalancePercentage of decompensation between right and left step intensity. A negative result indicates that the dominant leg is the right leg
Player LoadDisplays the accumulation of motion in the accelerometers
Player Load (min)Player load per minute rate value
HMLD (m)High metabolic load distance is the distance travelled by a player when his metabolic power is above 25.5 W/kg
HMLD countNumber of times the player has been at a metabolic power higher than 25.5 W/kg
HMLD (m/min)HMLD value per minute
DSLDynamic stress load, number of impacts weighted above 2G
DSL (min)DSL value per minute
>24 (m/min)Running at a speed of more than 24 km/h in metres per minute
Caption: Dist: distance; HSR: high sprint running; rel: relative; abs: abdolute; Dif: difference; ACC: accelerations; DCC: decelerations; HMLD: HMLD: High metabolic load distance, DSL: Dynamic stress load