Table 1

Observation instrument

Number (NUM)Six against six (6v6) / Seven against six (7v6) / Six against six with an empty goal (E6v6) / Six against five (6v5) / Six against five with an empty goal (E6v5) / Other numerical ratio (XvX).
Defensive System (DEF)Defensive system facing the attack: 6:0 (SIX) / 5:1 (AVN) / 4:2, 3:3 or individual defence (ABI) / Mixed defence (MIX). 
Offensive system (ATT)Offensive system implemented: 3:3 (T33) / One of the wingers leaves his position to become a second pivot (DEX) / A front row player leaves his position to become a second pivot (T24).
Sequence (SEQ)Number of sequences in a single ball possession. A new attempt is considered to have begun after play is stopped (e.g. free kick signal) and possession is not lost: first attempt (SQ1) / second attempt (SQ2) / third attempt (SQ3) / four or more attempts (S4M).
Type of strong attack (TSA)Situation in which two or three players intervene in an attempt to create imbalances in the opposing defence (Figure 1): two against two centre-pivots, with the pivot positioned between the centre defenders (A34) / two against two centre-pivots, with the pivot positioned between the centre and wing defenders (A45) / two against two wing-pivots, with the pivot positioned between the wing and centre defenders (A23) / two against two wing-pivots, with the pivot paired with the outside defender (A12) / two against two wing-pivots, with the pivot paired with the outside defender (A12) / two against two wing-pivots, the pivot between the wing and outside defenders (A22) / situation played by the players occupying the centre, wing and pivot positions, after the winger has moved to the pivot position (CLP) / initiated by the player occupying the wing position with the pivot positioned between the centre defenders (LPA) / three against three initiated by one of the two wingers together with two players in the pivot position (LPP) / a strong attack different from the previous ones (ANO) is carried out.
Location of the strong attack (LSA)Place where the strong attack occurs: left (LZ) / right (RZ) / centre (CNZ).
Player who carries out the strong attack (SAP)The player who carries out the strong attack is: Alexandrina Cabral (ALE) / Nerea Pena (NER) / Mireya González (MIR) / Almudena Rodríguez (ALM) / Alicia Fernández (ALI) / other player (OP).
Number of passes after strong attack (PSA)Number of passes made after the strong attack and before completion: zero to one pass is made (P01) / two to three passes are made (P23) / four or more passes are made (P4M).
Crosses and/or swaps after strong attack (XSA)Number of crosses and/or swaps made after the strong attack: zero (X00) / one (XP1) / two (XP2) / three or more (X3M).
Place of completion (PC)Zone where the attack ends: left (LZ) / right (RZ) / centre (CNZ).
Completion player (CP)Front row player who finishes the attack or passes to a player on the wing or pivot: Alexandrina Cabral (ABA) / Nerea Pena (NPE) / Mireya González (MGL) / Almudena Rodríguez (ARO) / Alicia Fernández (AFD) / Other player (OP).
Completion Action (CA)Individual action in which the attack ends: action of the pivot (PIV) / action of the winger / feint or breakthrough by a front row player (J6M) / long range throw-in or action performed in the vicinity of nine metres (J9M).
Development of attack (DA)Attack ends in: goal, seven-metre throw-in signal or two-minute suspension of a defender (G72) / a throw-in that does not result in a goal (MIS) / turnover (PER) / free kick or other stoppage of play signal that does not result in a change of possession (NOL).