Table 1

Definition of the observation instrument’s category system.

Match StatusMSLosingLOSGoal by losing team
DrawingDRAGoal by team while match is drawn
WinningWINGoal by winning team
Opponent qualityQOBetter uses 5v4+G against worstBESTGoal by best team using 5v4+G
5v4+G between same-level teamsEQUGoal by one of the teams of the same level and one of them with 5v4+P
Worst uses 5v4+G against bestWORSTGoal by worst team using the tactic
Goal locationGLVGoal 5v4+G homeHGGoal by home team with 5v4+G
Goal 5v4+G awayAGGoal by away team using 5v4+G
AreaFA1 1/2 pitchA1Goal scored in 1/2 pitch
2 10-20 mA2Goal scored between 10-20 m
3 Left attackA3Goal scored in left area attack
4 Right attackA4Goal scored in right area attack
5 Goal areaA5Goal scored in goal area
Shot typeSTOutside shotOSGoal outside a heavily defended area
Inside pass (pass, 1-2, 1×1)IPGoal inside a heavily defended area
Far postFPGoal with an attacking player reaching the far post
No. playersNP11PGoal involving 1 player
22PGoal involving 2 players
33PGoal involving 3 players
44PGoal involving 4 players
55PGoal involving 5 players
Pass sequencePS1-10 passesPS<10Goal with a sequence of less than 10 passes
11 forward passesPS>10Goal with a sequence of more than 10 passes