Table 1

Description of the general characteristics of the participants.

VariablesChile 149 (41.1%)Colombia 53 (14.6%)Spain 42 (11.6%)Peru 118 (32.5%)Total N = 362
Age14 ± 5.315 ± 3.715 ± 2.813 ± 4.114 ± 1.8
Biological sex
Boy57.7 %52.8 %69.0 %66.9 %61.3 %
Girl41.6 %47.2 %26.2 %32.2 %37.6 %
Other0.7 %0 %4.8 %0.8 %1.1 %
When did your condition start?
When I was born or before56.4 %79.2 %52.4 %51.7 %57.7 %
After birth/as a grown-up43.6 %20.8 %47.6 %48.3 %42.3 %
How do you travel to school?
I walk or I use my wheelchair17.4 %20.8 %47.6 %16.9 %21.3 %
In a means of transport adapted for me12.1 %11.3 %14.3 %10.2 %11.6 %
In a means of transport that is not adapted for me70.5 %67.9 %38.1 %72.9 %67.1 %
What is your condition?
I’m missing a body part0.7 %0.0 %4.8 %11.9 %4.7 %
I have difficulty understanding instructions13.4 %11.3 %11.9 %18.6 %14.6 %
I can’t hear well8.1 %0.0 %16.7 %11.0 %8.8 %
I have trouble moving10.1 %3.8 %7.1 %17.8 %11.3 %
I can barely see or can’t see at all18.1 %60.4 %4.8 %10.2 %20.2 %
I lack strength to move4.0 %0.0 %4.8 %7.6 %4.7 %
Other condition42.3 %24.5 %35.7 %16.9 %30.7 %
I have spasticity3.4 %0 %14.3 %5.9 %5.0 %
NB: Data expressed in percentages