Students perception about active learning methodologies as a response to the EHEA demands: a case study.

Begoña Learreta Ramos

Marta Montil Jiménez

Amador González Álvarez

Antonio Asensio Perales

*Corresponding author: Begoña Learreta Ramos

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Learreta Ramos, B., Montil Jiménez, M., González Álvarez, A., & Asensio Perale, A. (2009). Students perception about active learning methodologies as a response to the EHEA demands: a case study. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 95, 92-98.



In the Faculty of Sciences of the Physical Activity and the Sport of UEM an investigation has developed during the course 2005-06, orientated to transforming the first course to the future approach ECTS, according to the expositions of the European space of top education. This has supposed, between other things, a change in the methodology of education of the professorship, innovation through that they have lived of shared form. The coordination has been the center of the above mentioned investigation and has generated numerous collegiate performances. In this work one presents, from a perspective of qualitative investigation, the information contributed on the perception of the students about the new educational designs developed in the classrooms. The utilization of interviews in depth with the pupils they have put of manifest the advantages and disadvantages that they have found in the new approaches. The conclusions of the investigation derive in the verification of a necessary cultual change in the university area, both in the student and in the professorship.

Keywords: Active Methodologies, Euopean Convergence, European Space of top Education, Perception Student, Qualitative Investigation.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 01, 2009