Self-Determination Theory and Prosocial Behaviours in Young Football Players

David Sánchez Oliva

Francisco Miguel Leo Marcos

Pedro Antonio Sánchez Miguel

Francisco Rafael Gómez Corrales

Tomás García Calvo

*Corresponding author: Tomás García Calvo

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Sánchez Oliva, D., Leo Marcos, FM, Sánchez Miguel, PA, Gómez Corrales, FR, & García Calvo, T. (2011). Self-Determination Theory and Prosocial Behaviours in Young Football Players. Apuntes. Educación Física y Deportes, 103, 31-37.



The aim of this study was to associate self-determination theory with prosocial and intentional behaviours in sport. To that end 97 football players aged 12 to 16 were used as a sample. Results showed a significant and positive relationship between the highest levels of self-determination and the appearance of prosocial behaviours and intentions. Moreover, it was also found that there is a strong relationship between affiliation and autonomy mediators and the presence of this type of behaviours, as other studies have previously demonstrated (Gagné, 2003). Finally, we suggest the need for parents and coaches to instil high levels of self-determination in players, with the aim of achieving an increase in sporting behaviour.

Keywords: Footba, Prosocial Behaviours, Self-Determination, Young Athletes.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: Januaey 21, 2009

Accepted: February 5, 2009

Published: January 01, 2011