Scientific and Research Capacity among Colombian Physical Education Professionals

Daniel Humberto Prieto-Benavides

Adalberto Palacios

Luis Alberto Cardozo

Jorge Enrique Correa

Robinson Ramírez-Vélez

*Corresponding author: Robinson Ramírez Vélez

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Prieto-Benavides, D. H., Palacios, A., Cardozo, L. A., Correa, J. E., & Ramírez-Vélez, R. (2016). Scientific and Research Capacity among Colombian Physical Education Professionals. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 123, 19-27.



Introduction. Scientific research as an essential activity for professional development is a key factor in the epistemological advancement of Physical Education (PE) for it to be developed into a scientific discipline. Objective. To evaluate the research profile of research groups of professionals in PE and related subjects recognized by Colciencias in 2013 and registered on the ScienTi-Colombia platform. Material and methods. Descriptive observational study based on the information described in the groups of professionals in PE and related subjects on the Colciencias ScienTi-Colombia platform 2013. The Lotka model was used to objectively learn the productivity of the authors by research groups and geographic region. Results. Twenty three research groups with 622 members were identified in eight cities. “Original” scientific papers and participation in national events were the most-used scientific production strategy for the dissemination of knowledge and its social appropriation. Twenty-two (3.5 %) of the group’s members had the largest scientific production in the last eight years (Lotka index> 1 – large producers). Conclusions. The researcher profile outlined here will help the academic community to gain a perspective on their identity and specify future priorities for the furtherance of professional knowledge and practice. 

Keywords: Bibliometrics, Colombia, Physical Education, Research.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: December 18, 2014

Accepted: April 17, 2015

Published: January 1, 2016