Public Space and Sport: on Reflection and Intervention. Selected Proposals

Núria Puig

*Corresponding author: Núria Puig

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Puig, N. (2008). Public Space and Sport: on Reflection and Intervention. Selected Proposals. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 91, 114-120.



This article presents a series of proposals for intervention, which are derived from the results of the research realized in Barcelona into sport in urban public spaces. It centers itself on three ideas considered to be essential: that the sport practiced in urban public spaces is a form of social capital; this capital generates itself when the public spaces are conceived to act as meeting places and not transitory spaces, and that the urban public spaces, in their entirety, are places of learning about citizenship. The conclusion suggests possible actions for improving the existing situation and to remedy some of the shortfalls that have been identified.

Keywords: Intervention Proposals, Social Networks, Sport Management, Urban Public Spaces.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: January 1, 2008