Proposal of a model of entertainment of sqaush from the parameters obtained during the competiton

Joaquín Sanchís Moysi

Juan Carlos González Rodríguez

José Antonio López Calbet

Cecilia Dorado García

Javier Chavarren Cabrero

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Sanchís Moysi, J., González Rodríguez, J. C., López Calbet, J. A., Dorado García, C., & Chavarren Cabrero, J. (1998). Proposal of a model of entertainment of sqaush from the parameters obtained during the competiton. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 52, 43-53.



The objective of our work was to study the physical force realised by squash players at a regional level, through quantification and classification of the strokes made, the knowledge of the actual playing time and non-playing time, and the determination of heart rate (FC) during the match. For this, we analysed 31 matches at a provincial level. In 22 matches we noted the length of time of each rally (TI), the length of time of each point (TEJ), the length of time of each point (TET). In another ten matches we measured the FC every 5 seconds. Finally, in 6 matches we noted the kind of stroke, making distinctions between back hands, forehands, lobs, drop shots and smashes. The results show that TT and TEl last between 9/10 seconds throughout the game. The average FC during the Tr was 169,3 ± 5,6 beats per min’ and during the TEl 144,1 ± 3,8 beats per min-1. The 77 varied between 7 and ten minutes, with TEJ about 3 minutes. The types if shots most used were forehands and backhands. Therefore, a training session which copies a real game should be based on intermittent systems of exercise, alternating phases of activity and pauses of similar lengths of time.

Keywords: Frecuencia Cardíaca.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 1998