Physical exercise as a therapeutic tool in drug addict’s rehabilitation

Manuel Pimentel González

Manuel Avelino Giráldez García

Carlos Lalín Novoa

Mª Dolores Pedrares Alonso

Dina Asienso Campazas

Alejandra Pérez Caaveiro

Francisco González García

Miguel Ángel Saavedra García

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Pimentel González, M., Giráldez García, M. A., Lalín Novoa, C., Pedrares Alonso, M. D., Asensio Campaza, D., Pérez Caaveiro, A., González García, F., & Saavedra García, M. A. (2004). Physical exercise as a therapeutic tool in drug addict's rehabilitation. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 77, 48-54.



The great necessity of new professionals and the low quality of the physical activity programs performed on individuals with subtance abuse suggest new challenges and demand specific competences to the professionals of the physical activity that work with drug abusers.
In this context, the physical exercise should be considered as a therapeutic tool whose value resides in the adequate establishment of physical, psychological and social objectives, in the reflexive activities selection, in the correct design of the sessions and in the very best methodological intervention..

Keywords: Drug Abuse, Physical Activity Program, Rehabilitation.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: July 01, 2004