Objective Assessment of Physical Activity during Physical Exercise Sessions in a Multidisciplinary Intervention for the Treatment of Childhood Obesity

Assumpta Ensenyat Solé

Ignasi Palacios

Noemí Serra-Paya

Ivan Castro-Viñuales

*Corresponding author: Assumpta Ensenyat aensenat@inefc.udl.cat

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Ensenyat, A., Palacios, I., Serra-Paya, N., & Castro-Viñuales, I. (2016). Objective Assessment of Physical Activity during Physical Exercise Sessions in a Multidisciplinary Intervention for the Treatment of Childhood Obesity. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 125, 35-52. https://doi.org/10.5672/apunts.2014-0983.es.(2016/3).125.03



Background. The inclusion of supervised physical exercise in interventions for the management of childhood obesity is one of the factors that can determine their efficacy. However, even though physical exercise sessions are planned according to existing guidelines, the children’s actual response has not always been quantified. The aim of this study was to analyse the level of movement and estimate energy expenditure during the supervised physical exercise sessions of an intervention for the treatment of childhood obesity. Method. Forty-one 8-to-12-year-old low active and obese children participated in the study. The overall physical activity, the time spent in different levels of exertion (sedentary, light intensity (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous intensity (MVPA) physical activity) and the pattern of sedentary and physical activity behaviour during the supervised physical exercise sessions were objectively assessed using Actigraph accelerometers. ­Results. The 60-minutes sessions were characterised by short bouts of MVPA interspersed by short bouts of LPA. Participants spent 58.3% of the duration of the session in MVPA, 30% in LPA and only 11.8% in sedentary ­behaviour. For all the sessions, and in particular for the football ones, energy expenditure was greater in boys than girls. Conclusions. Multidisciplinary intervention offers the opportunity to increase the weekly time devoted to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and to raise energy expenditure.

Keywords: Acce­lerometry, Childhood Obesity, Energy expenditure, Physical Activity, Physical Exercise Sessions.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: October 5, 2015

Accepted: May 16, 2016

Published: July 1, 2016