Let’s use the bicicle an interdisciplinary proposal of driving education

Josep Invernó Curós

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Invernó Curós, J. (1997). Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes (1985-2015). Let's use the bicicle an interdisciplinary proposal of driving education. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 48, 92-101.



“Let’s ride a bicycle” is a teaching unit of the programme set up by the teaching body in the Rural School Zone “El Llierca” that obtained .first prize in the “XII Concurs Nacional d’Educació Viaria” organized by the General Direction of Traffic during the 1995-1996 school year.
The general goals of this unit of the programme are: ride a bicycle properly, improve the motor function abilities aboard a bicycle, improve physical condition, get to know the environment, know how to get about in areas for bicycles, respect and take care of the environment.
To reach these goals we opted for methodological criteria that specially stressed interdisciplinarity.
This allows for a treatment of Road Education from the perspective of various curricula areas (Spanish language, Catalan language, physical education, plastic education, knowledge of the social and natural environments and computers) as a result of the team work of all the teaching body that established the “Cross-sec- tional road Education Programme”for the primary education level for 1993-1994 school year which includes this teaching unit.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 1997