La inmersión en apnea. Análisis i secuenciación de las actividades físicas en la naturaleza para secundaria.

Marc Marí

Josep Maria Mora Verdeny

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Marí, M., & Mora Verdeny, J. M. (1998). La inmersión en apnea. Análisis i secuenciación de las actividades físicas en la naturaleza para secundaria. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 51, 88-97.



Physical activities in nature has been the central issue o f a large part o f the teaching body o f physical education for a long time as it is understood that the richness o f content on offer for its practice is far superior than those available in indoor areas, although in large urban concentrations there are difficulties in working in a continuous way in this line. The present article is a reflection on how we can integrate these activities in a realistic and practical manner in the scholastic ambit, this time by way o f the proposal lmmersion in Apnea.

Keywords: Actividad Física en la Naturaleza (AFN), Educación Física, Educación Sedundaria Obligatoria, Inmersión en Apnea.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: January 1, 1998