Knowledge Transfer in Sport Sciences in Spain. Current Situation and Proposed Actions

*Corresponding author: José Manuel Palao Andrés

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Palao Andrés, J. M. (2015). Knowledge Transfer in Sport Sciences in Spain. Current Situation and Proposed Actions. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 121, 9-19.



Knowledge transfer is the dissemination process of scientific and technology knowledge to the professional world. This document reviews the changes that have occurred in the last few decades and the current state of the sport science area. From this perspective, the characteristics of knowledge transfer are reviewed as well as the elements involved in this process. Next, the aspects that can be improved to increase knowledge transfer between scientists and professionals (professional training, lack of contact with the professional world, and absence of protocols, culture, communication channels, and ways to transfer the information) and possible solutions to improve the process are reviewed.

Keywords: Improvement Plan, professionals, Research, Science.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: October 30, 2014

Accepted: March 26, 2015

Published: July 1, 2015