Jump Height Increase in University Voleyball Players

Pablo Quiroga Maraboli

Alejandro Bustamante Garrido

Christopher Avendaño Hernández

Sebastián Cáceres Guerra

Sebastián Urrea González

*Corresponding author: Christopher Avendaño Hernández christopheravendano@ug.uchile.cl

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Quiroga Maraboli, P., Bustamante Garrido, A., Avendaño Hernández, C., Cáceres Guerra, S., & Urrea González, S. (2016). Jump Height Increase in University Voleyball Players. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 126, 64-71. https://doi.org/10.5672/apunts.2014-0983.es.(2016/4).126.07



Jumping training is essential for optimal results in many sports, and the complex method, based on Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP), is one of the most used for this kind of training. Numerous studies support the existence of PAP variations displayed in a vertical jump, but a standard training protocol to generate such a phenomenon is not described in the literature. This quantitative quasi-experimental pilot study aims to determine which of the areas described by Naclerio require training for PAP to be expressed to a greater extent, as evidenced by the height variations in a Counter Movement Jump. We used convenience sampling of twenty five individuals, randomly divided into five groups each corresponding to an area of strength. Then the subjects were trained to squat according to the parameters of each area. Finally we obtained jump height based on the formula of Bosco from the frames of a digital camera. There were two areas of strength that showed an increase in the height of the post-potentiation jump, namely power and explosive. However, only the former showed significant results in this change (p <0.05), represented as a 7% increase. We hope that these findings will be useful for developing new studies to design new training and sports rehabilitation methodologies which will benefit from their properties.

Keywords: Areas of Strength, Counter Movement Jump (CMJ), Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP), Voleyball.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: December 8, 2015

Accepted: March 4, 2016

Published: October 01, 2016