Introducing a strategic frameworkfor product improvement Health tourism in Lanzarote

Juan Antonio Carreño Clemente

Noelia Batista Martín

Héctor Fernández Manchado

*Corresponding author: Juan Antonio Carreño Clemente

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Carreño Clemente, J. A., Batista Martín, N., & Fernández Manchado, H. (2008). Introducing a strategic frameworkfor product improvement Health tourism in Lanzarote. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 92, 81-89.



Tourism, in the market is a quite complex activity and reality. Leipers model conceives tourism as a sector of concern and individual organization combined to create and offer journeys. Tourism is a multilateral activity, and it extends to many dimensions (Cooper and col, 1997) In this way, last years, the services relate with the health has taken special prominence. For this purpose, a product has been developed around one essential element, the water, although it also has got other important parameters (variation of temperatures, seaweeds, physic exercise, manual therapies….). Within this development of health tourism, there are four types of facilities (Baths, spas, aqua therapies and hot springs) more or less standard and differ from each other in the use of water, utilized therapies and the equipment that they employ. This study seeks to improve health product, within a strong tourist destination as Lanzarote. Therein, on 2004 and 2005 summer, one interview has been realized among the clients of diverse thalasoterapy centers, enquiring questions about service, facilities, price – quality ratio, purpose of visit, etc. Finally, based on interviews results, we propose some strategic lines of action that could serve to the proceedings of introduction and marketing of this product inside the huge amount of opportunities that Lanzarote offer to its visitors.

Keywords: Actions, Health, Planning, Spa, Tourism.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: April 01, 2008