Incidence of the way of organizing in the practice time and motivation preparation in the learning of athletic habilities session

Antonio Calderón Luquin

José Manuel Palao Andrés

Original Language



The use of teaching and management strategies promote learning and develop positive aptitudes in the practice of youth. This paper analyzed the practice time and the implication of the students in two types of task organization. A quasi-experimental inter-group design was done with two groups of 10 athletes with an average age of 12.9 ± 1.2. Independent variables were circuit organization and lines organization, and dependent variables were execution time, rest time, organization time, repetitions and perception level of task. The results show a significant higher execution time and number of repetitions in circuit organization in the three disciplines studied (hurdles, long jump and shot put). The rest time and organization time was significantly higher in lines organization. Circuit organization was perceived as more motivating and lines organization was perceived as more useful for the learning.

Keywords: circuits, Lines, Sport Initiation, Teaching Effectiveness., Track and Field.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 01, 2005