Impact of the ludotechnical model on motivational variables in elementary school: perceptions and gender differences 

Eduardo Carcas-Vergara

Ana Cordellat-Marzal

Alfonso Valero-Valenzuela

José Francisco Jiménez-Parra

*Corresponding author: Eduardo Carcas-Vergara

Original Language Spanish

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Carcas-Vergara, E., Cordellat-Marzal, A., Valero-Valenzuela, A. & Jiménez-Parra, J. F. (2024). Impact of the ludotechnical model on motivational variables in elementary school: perceptions and gender differences. Apunts Educación Física y Deportes, 159, -1.



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ISSN: 2014-0983

Received: 20, May 2024

Accepted: 30, September 2024

Published: 01, January 2024