Evolution of professinal trends of the entitled in physical education and sciences of physical activity and sport from 1975 to present day

José María González Ravé

Onofre R. Contreras Jordán

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González Ravé, J. M., & Contreras Jordán, O. C. (2003). Evolution of professinal trends of the entitled in physical education and sciences of physical activity and sport from 1975 to present dayApunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 73, 19-23.



In this article we expose the trends and professional exits of the physical education professionals through the studies of different authors that they have attempted to provide a vision on the issue. From the first study of Mestre (1975), until the present time, they have emerged different investigations in this field, that they have analyzed the professional profile in base to workable demands, ending in the contributions of the European Network of Sport Sciences Institutes (1999). To conclusion manner and after the effected exposition, they have been elaborated some directors about the future lines that will govern the occupational field in our those which profession we emphasize the nonexistence in professional regulation and the transcendency that it has acquired in our days practice of the sport, that advise and justify fully the need of a complete and systematical regulation with the normative range demanded by art. 36  of the constitutional norm.


Keywords: Employment, Evolution, Professional Regulation, Sport Sciences Institutes, Working Market.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: July 01, 2003