Electrical stimulation supplementation during maximal voluntary isometric force training. Efficiency of subjects, both female and male healthy athletes median aged Efficiency of subjects, both female and male healthy athletes median aged

Pablo Ruiz Gallardo

José Luis González Montesinos

Jesús Mora Vicente

*Corresponding author: José Luis González Montesinos jgmontesinos@uca.es

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Ruiz Gallardo, P., González Montesinos, J. L., & Mora Vicente, J. (2007). Electrical stimulation supplementation during maximal voluntary isometric force training. Efficiency of subjects, both female and male healthy athletes median aged Efficiency of subjects, both female and male healthy athletes median aged. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 89, 56-63.



The aim of the study was to investigate the efficiency of electrical stimulation supplementation during maximal voluntary isometric force training. Subjects: Both female and male healthy athletes aged between 18-24 years (n=20). Design: 2 groups. Isometric Training (IT) and Electrical Stimulation supplementing Isometric Training (ES). Methods and measures: For normalization purposes, maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) force was assessed with a load cell prior to the application of the training protocol (15minutes, twice a week during 3 weeks. 7s contractions and 21s relaxation time). Results: Significant differences were found after the training protocol in both groups however the range of improvement was greater in ES group and the response was more stable in IT group. Conclusions: Based on this research, IT training protocol produced more homogeneous results. Further research should be directed toward identifying the optimal parameters for isometric training supplemented with electrical stimulation.

Keywords: Electrical Stimulation, Maximal Isometric Force, Strength, Training.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 1, 2007