Effects of the stride frequency in the energetic cost of the race
Manuel Lapuente
Salvador Olaso
Alberto García-Fojeda
Alfonso Blanco Felipe Calvo
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Lapuente, M., Olaso, S., Ensenyat, A., García-Fojeda, A., Blanco, A., & Calvo, A. (1999). Effects of the stride frequency in the energetic cost of the race. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 57, 38-44.
In view of the lack of studies relating Fcc with lactate production and oxygen consumption applied to races at speeds higher than those corresponding to the anaerobic ventilatory threshold (VT2), the present study observed the relationship between some
mechanical aspects cyclical movements (speed of the movement, frequency and length of the cycle), with some metabolical and cardiovascular aspects (lactate in the blood after the effort Vol and FC) for a speed of movement equivalent to 90% of individual VMA in women with an average level of training following a regulated and systematical training for at least 2 years. The anthropometrical values (average SD) of the sample are: age 21±4 years; height: 162 ± 6 cm; weight: 50 ± 3 kilos, and a
Vo„„a, of 64 ± 5 ml 02/kg/min.
We did three tests on a moving belt with at least 2 days between them, lasting 6 minutes and at 90% of VMA. One with a free chosen frequency of cycle (Fcc), another without an increased Fcc and the last one with a reduced Fcc.
As a conclusion it seems obvious that for a run on the moving belt at 90% of VMA and during 6′, small variations (10% in mechanical parameters modify the needs of Vo, lactate production and FC for each subject.
Therefore it is possible to attain, using these variations in daily training, specific adaptations going deeper than those obtained only through a work based on the speed of movement.
ISSN: 1577-4015
Published: July 01, 1999
Editor: © Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de la Presidència Institut Nacional d’Educació Física de Catalunya (INEFC)
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