Effects of the intervention with the Watsu Method on the performance and psycho-social aspects of young Brazilian competition swimmers

Ana Carolina Lima Costa

Original Language Spanish



This work sought to offer young competition swimmers a moment of relaxation. The Watsu method is performed in the water, wich the same environment in which they perform their sport. General objective: to identify and analyze the possible effects of the application of Watsu on young Brazilian swimmers. Specific objectives: to know the possible influence on athletic performance, self-efficacy, adherence to training, the willingness to future practice of the method and evaluate the method and application in young swimmers. Twenty-four swimmers between the ages of 13 and 21 of both sexes participated in the study. Among them, 11 individuals formed the experimental group and had Watsu sessions added to the routine for 20 weeks. The other 13 swimmers were the control group and they received no Watsu sessions and continued their usual routines. For the analysis of data, instruments and procedures of a quantitative (e.g., questionnaires and sports results) and qualitative (e.g., interviews and diaries) nature were used. The data were evaluated before starting the intervention, at the end of the intervention and with a follow-up after 17 weeks that corresponded to the end of the competitive year. The quantitative results show no significant changes in relation to athletic performance, self-efficacy and training assistance. However, qualitative data show that the intervention had a positive effect on the swimmers regarding the performance, specific self-efficacy, disposition to the trainings and a desire to continue doing Watsu. Finally, regarding the evaluation of the method and the intervention, the results showed that the method was a valid and necessary experience for the swimmers who perceived physical and psychological benefits inside and outside the sports environment. In short, the results indicate that the method can be an effective way of relaxation, rest and body awareness for young competition swimmers.

ISSN: 2014-0983

Published: April 01, 2021

Date read: November 29, 2018