Can the Strenght Predict the Performance and Injury rates in Professional Basketball?

Toni Caparrós

Josep Maria Padullés-Riu

Gil Rodas

Lluís Capdevila

*Corresponding author: Toni Caparrós Pons

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Caparrós Pons, T., Padullés Riu, J. M., Rodas Font, G., & Capdevila, L. (2014). Can the Strenght Predict the Performance and Injury rates in Professional Basketball?. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 118, 48-58.



With the aim of determining the relationship between strength, sports performance and injury rates in a men’s professional basketball team, we performed a prospective, observational and descriptive study of statistical analysis (71 matches), half squat test (n = 7) and injury pathology by monitoring the 09/10 season, where the data obtained for each player with respect to sports performance per game (statistical evaluation), average strength, speed and power in each mesocycle and injury rates were related. The statistical technique used was correlation based on Spearman’s rho parameter. These correlations between strength and injury rates show that at higher strength values there are more injuries: at 80 kg they are very significant for total injuries (TI) and power (rho = 0898; p = 0.006), and significant for strength (rho = 0823; p = 0.023) and speed (rho = 0.774, p = 0.041); speed at 90 kg is very significantly associated with time-loss (TL) injuries (rho = 0878; p = 0.009) and power at 100 kg with total injuries (TI) (rho = 0805; p = 0.029) and V100 (rho = 0898; p = 0.006). Furthermore, the relationship between strength and performance is significantly negative in five of the seven mesocycles, i.e., less strength means more performance. In conclusion, during the execution of half squats, there are strength values which are suitable for performing better and being injured less, ranging from 800 N to 1050 N and with loads of 80 kg to 90 kg.

Keywords: Injury Rates, Performance, Professional Basketball, Rendimiento, Strength.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: March 11, 2014

Accepted: September 22, 2014

Published: October 1, 2014