Basketball: contribution to the general objectives of Physical Education in primary

María José Girela Rejón

Elisa Torre Ramos

David Cardenas Vélez

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Girela Rejón, M. J., Torre Ramos, E., & Cárdenas Vélez, D. (1999). Basketball: contribution to the general objectives of Physical Education in primary. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 57, 32-36.



Until only a short time ago, physical education programmes were almost exclusively made up of contents of a sporting character in which performance and efficiency (product) took the prize. Later we went on to an open programme in which we were more concerned with the process through which the student passed than with the final results achieved. This new way of understanding the Physical Education curriculum leads the sport into a situation of disadvantage and discrimination with respect to other physical activities as there is no recognition of the capacity for a positive contribution to the acquisition of the educative objects proposed by Reform. Our object is to show the educative value of sport and through this arrive at an intermediate position in which process and product are compatible. We are sure that sport can be an adequate medium to reach the general objectives in the area of PE in junior school education. For this reason, we have chosen a sport, basketball, and we offer some activities for each of the objectives of this cycle.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: July 01, 1999