Anthropometric Profile in Spanish Female Soccer Players. Analysis by Competitive Level and by Playing Position

Silvia Sedano

Gonzalo Cuadrado Sáenz

Juan Carlos Redondo

Ana de Benito Trigueros

*Corresponding author: Silvia Sedano Campo

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Sedano Campo, S., Cuadrado Sáenz, G., Redondo Castán, J. C., & de Benito Trigueros, A. (2009). Anthropometric Profile in Spanish Female Soccer Players. Analysis by Competitive Level and by Playing Position. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 98, 78-87.



The main purpose of this study is to identify the anthropometric profile of Spanish female soccer players telling between standards of play. On the other hand we try to determine the influence of the position on the field in this profile. The sample is formed by 190 female soccer players who practice federate football in teams of Primera División Regional Femenina de Castilla y León (90) and Primera División Nacional Femenina (100). Sixteen body dimensions were measured (body mass, height, seven skinfolds, three diameters and four girths) in order to determine body composition and somatotype.  The results of the study demonstrate that body composition and somatotype are different between standards of play. Both data are favourable to the higher level. However when we analyse body composition and somatotype by positions on the field we realise an specific anthropometric profile is only found in goalkeepers.

Keywords: Anthropometry, Body Composition, Female Soccer, Somatochart, Somatotype.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Published: October 01, 2009