Analysis of the Level of Knowledge and Identification of People From Tarragona on Tarragona’s Candidacy for the Mediterranean Games in 2017

Vicent Añó Sanz

Ferran Calabuig Moreno

Daniel Ayora Pérez

David Parra Camacho

Daniel Duclos Bastías

*Corresponding author: Vicent Añó Sanz

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Añó Sanz, V., Calabuig Moreno, F., Ayora Pérez, D., Parra Camacho, D., & Duclos Bastías, D. (2013). Analysis of the Level of Knowledge and Identification of People From Tarragona on Tarragona’s Candidacy for the Mediterranean Games in 2017. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 111, 70-78.



The aim of this study was to analyse the evolution between 2009 and 2010 in the degree of knowledge and identification of Tarragona with the candidacy to the Mediterranean Games 2017. Opinions of two samples of citizens were collected with a year apart (N = 246 for 2009 and N = 307 to 2010). The results showed a positive development in areas such as knowledge of the Mediterranean Games, the amount of information received, the degree to which society is identified with this sporting event, the degree of perceived difficulty in its organization, the degree of preparation of city services such as health, accommodation and catering, the degree of coordination between public or work done for the nomination. However, much of the public did not see the city were fairly or very prepared in other areas such as public transport and sports facilities, showing a negative trend between the two years in the external access and services cleaning and safety. The results of this study may help improve the involvement and participation of citizens in this type of sporting events

Keywords: Awareness, Identification, Mediterranean Games, Residents Perception, Sporting Event.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: July 18, 2012

Accepted: November 29, 2012

Published: January 01, 2013