Analysis of the Isometric Force of Spanish Divers in Different Competitive Categories

Luis Arturo Gómez-Landero Rodríguez

Jesús López Bedoya

Mercedes Vernetta

Michel Marina

*Corresponding author: Luis Arturo Gómez-Landero Rodríguez

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Gómez-Landero Rodríguez, LA, López Bedoya, J., Vernetta Santana, M., & Marina Evrad, M. (2012). Analysis of the isométrica Force of Spanish Diverso in Different Competitive Categorías. Apunts. Educación Física y Deportes, 107, 78-89.



Introduction: Due to the lack of studies describing and analysing the isometric force profile in Trampoline and its relationship to athletic performance, it was decided to conduct a cross-sectional, comparative and correlational study of this kind with Spanish trampolinists. Method: Sample composed of 60 national elite trampolinists, grouped by competitive category into 4 groups: 1) under-15 boys (n=23; 11.95 ± 1.79 years), 2) under-15 girls (n=9; 11.44 ± 1.23 years), 3) men (n=18; 20.72 ± 4.66 years), 4) women (n=10; 16.1 ± 2.02 years). Measurement by isometric dynamometry using load cells (Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences Strength Monitoring system), obtaining absolute and relative isometric strength in flexion and extension of knees, trunk, elbows, shoulders and hand grip. Comparisons between groups and correlations of strength with degree of difficulty score. Results: Numerous significant correlations between absolute strength and difficulty; shoulder extensor strength correlates significantly with difficulty in all groups; significant increase in absolute strength with age but not in relative strength. Conclusions: Higher isometric strength values in the adult groups compared to under-15s justify their separation in competition; the results obtained could be used in the design of a test for the selection of talent in diving. 

Keywords: Gymnastics, Isometric Strength, Men’s Category, Performance, Rendimiento, Trampoline, Women’s Category.

ISSN: 1577-4015

Received: May 24, 2011

Accepted: November 22, 2011

Published: January 01, 2012